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Главная » Файлы » Counter-Strike 1.6 » Zombie Plague

Zombie Plague Mod v4.3
[ Скачать с сервера (3.80 Mb) ] 11.07.2009, 17:46

Автор: MeRcyLeZZ
Версия: 4.3

- AmxmodX 1.8.0 и выше (www.amxmodx.org)
- Modules: FakeMeta, HamSandwich!
- Mods: Counter-Strike 1.6 or Condition-Zero

Gameplay Video 1
Gameplay Video 2

Каждый раунд игроки начинают как люди, снарижаются оружием и гранатами, после этого бегут в укрытие, зная что 1 из них заражён Т-вирусом, и через 10 секунд после начало он становится зомби цель которого заразить как можно больше людей этим смертельным вирусом

Карта очень тёмная. Люди должны использовать гранаты со светом(Smoke Grenage), чтобы осветить их путь и определить любых врагов. Зомби, с другой стороны, имеют ночное видение!

Убивая зомби и зарожая людей вы получаете "ammo pack" Набрав их определёное каличество вы можете купить "Extra Items" за них!
Подробнее об "Extra Items" описанно ниже

Игровое меню:
Чтобы открыть меню нажмите клавишу "M"
В меню вы можете выбрать свой зомби класс, купить "Extra Items", сделать "unstuck" и посмотреть помощ по игре ( На Английском)
Админ сможет там найти меню для управления игрой не используя консольные команды

Игровое меню-Zombie Class:
Есть 5 классов зомби

- Classic Zombie(Класический зомби): сбалансированый зомби для новичков.
- Raptor Zombie(Хищный зомби): быстрый, но самый слабый.
- Poison Zombie(Ядовитый зомби): light weighed zombie, прыгает выше.
- Big Zombie(Большой зомби): медленный но сильный, с большим количеством хп.
- Leech Zombie(Вампиры): востанавливают большое количество хп заражая других.

Игровое меню-Extra Items:
Помимо оружия, игроки могут купить следующие вещи:

- Night Vision(Ночное видинье): хорошо видно в темноте, длится 1 раунд.
- T-Virus Antidote(Противоядие): возврощает вас обратно в человека.
- Zombie Madness(Безумие зомби): развивает щит вокруг себя на короткое время.
- Infection Bomb(Инфекционная бомба): зарожает всех в ёё радиусе действия.

См. также:
Zombie-Mod Map Pack - by bmann_420
Custom Models Pack - by ecua
Nemesis Models - by ecua
[ZP] Extra Plugins




- Version: 4.3 (Apr 20, 2009)
* Added beta changes (see below for details on those)
* Added CVAR for the new Nemesis/Survivor to have the same amount of HP as the guy who left
* Fixed some code still executing when the mod is turned off, which could cause weird bugs
* Fixed knife model issues when running WeaponMod

- Version: 4.3-beta5 (Apr 15, 2009)
* Added buy limiters for Antidote and Zombie Madness (CVARs: zp_extra_antidote_limit, zp_extra_madness_limit)
* Added admin knife model customization to zombieplague.ini (CVARs: zp_admin_knife_models_human, zp_admin_knife_models_zombie)
* Fixed unstuck feature causing zombies to turn into humans when random spawning is disabled
* Fixed unneeded hostage sounds precaching and taking up memory on CZ servers
* Fixed classes and items being incorrectly parsed when their names contain brackets
* Fixed Swarm Mode being triggered with no zombies or humans on either team
* Fixed zombie's hegrenades behaving as infection bombs even when their CVAR is disabled
* Fixed non-human grenades behaving as frostnades and flares
* Fixed code for blocking infection/cure attempts sometimes not working as it should
* Fixed calling some natives when the mod is turned off causing run time errors
* API: Native zp_has_round_started now returns 2 if the round is starting (i.e. not fully started yet)
* API: Replaced returning PLUGIN_HANDLED with ZP_PLUGIN_HANDLED due to backwards compatibility concerns
* Removed caching of most CVARs as it would just make the code harder to mantain

- Version: 4.3-beta4 (Mar 27, 2009)
* Added CVAR to set the default amount of starting ammo packs for new players (zp_starting_ammopacks)
* Added CVAR to randomly give weapons to players instead of buying them (zp_random_weapons)
* Added/updated ML translations (zombieplague.txt file is now UTF-8 encoded)
* Added option to force consistency for player models in zombieplague.ini
* Extra items menu now only displays items available to the player's class
* Player list menu for admin commands now only displays connected players
* Admin console commands now always obey the flags set in zombieplague.ini
* Nemesis damage CVAR no longer affects damage done by an entity other than nemesis himself (i.e. subplugin's rockets won't be affected now)
* API: Added natives to retrieve the number of zombies/humans/nemesis/survivors on a round
* API: Added natives to get a zombie class/extra item's ID via its name
* API: Added native to force players to buy an extra item
* API: Added natives to manually set and remove player's nightvision
* API: Returning PLUGIN_HANDLED on "zp_extra_item_selected" forwards will now cancel the item purchase
* Optimized code a bit (CVARs are now cached at round start, added cstrike module back)
* Fixed custom skies not being precached

- Version: 4.3-beta3 (Mar 16, 2009)
* Added CVAR to toggle respawning on infection rounds
* Added CVARs to separately toggle respawning of killed zombies, humans, nemesis and survivors
* Fixed custom flashlight sometimes displaying incorrect batteries charge on the HUD
* Fixed beta2's incompatibilities with some sub-plugins

- Version: 4.3-beta2 (Mar 12, 2009)
* Extended admin access flags settings to allow for more customization
* Ambience Sounds can now be separately toggled for each game mode
* "Join to Spectator" option now disabled for alive non-admin players to prevent suicide abuse (only if the zp_block_suicide cvar is enabled)
* Added forwards for when players turn into the last zombie/human
* Added forwards which allow to block an infection/humanization
* Updated zp_infect_user native with a "rewards" parameter to have the mod automatically handle frags and ammo packs rewards
* Implemented a more efficient Pain Shock Free code (thanks ConnorMcLeod)
* Optimized some code and tasks for less CPU usage
* Fixed remaining instances of the "weapons not reloading until they're switched" bug
* Fixed frostnade's screenfade not working properly with freeze durations higher than 15 seconds
* Fixed players sometimes getting incorrect gravity and rendering settings when transforming from a frozen zombie

- Version: 4.3-beta1 (Mar 06, 2009)
* Customization settings can now be edited externally, recompiling is no longer needed (zombieplague.ini file)
* Attributes for zombie classes and extra items can now be edited externally, recompiling is no longer needed (zp_zombieclasses.ini and zp_extraitems.ini files)
* Added support for multiple random zombie models (at last!)
* Added global zombie models override setting (to have all zombies use the same set of models regardless of class)
* Added CVARs to toggle respawning (deathmatch) on rounds other than infection
* Added CVAR to separately toggle Survivor's unlimited ammo
* Added CVAR to separately toggle Nemesis' knockback and set its multiplier
* Respawn: admin command and natives now allowed on all rounds
* Turn into Zombie/Human: admin command and natives now allowed on all rounds
* Turn into Nemesis/Survivor: admin command and natives now allowed on all rounds
* Added natives to force a player to turn into a Nemesis/Survivor
* Added native to retrieve a user's zombie class for the next infection
* Added forward for when users gets unfrozen (frostnades)
* Added support for registering extra items for Survivors and Nemesis
* Survivor and Nemesis are now allowed to buy custom extra items available for them
* When the last player from a team disconnects and he/she was a Survivor/Nemesis, the player chosen to keep the round going will now have its health set according to the amount of remaining players, instead of full HP (to keep the round balance)
* Fixed another Polish ML typo causing a string formatting error (that should be the last of them)
* Fixed bug where if a player's team changed twice in a short amount of time the team update message wouldn't be sent to clients (due to a task accidentally being removed)

- Version: 4.2 (Feb 11, 2009)
* Merged in beta changes (see below for details on those)
* Fixed small bug regarding the knife forcing code

- Version: 4.1-beta4 (Feb 06, 2009)
* Optimized code and checks for unlimited ammo, custom BP ammo, and bots ammo purchase
* Fixed reloading not working immediately after picking up a weapon with the extra BP ammo hack
* Fixed client prediction issues for high latency players when unlimited clip ammo is enabled
* Fixed server crash "New message started when msg 35 has not been sent yet" when a zombie is forced to switch to the knife and the client has cl_lw set to 0

- Version: 4.1-beta3 (Feb 02, 2009)
* Added CVARs to separately toggle infection special effects (screenfade, particles, etc.)
* Added screen shake to the default infection effects
* Added CVAR to set whether players should see each other's custom flashlights (zp_flash_show_all)
* Added CVAR to toggle the HUD icons on infection, burning, and freeze events (zp_hud_icons)
* Added CVAR to control whether worldspawn-killed players should automatically be respawned (zp_respawn_on_worldspawn_kill)
* Fixed money hiding setting not affecting players who respawn as zombies
* Fixed zombies getting a temporary godmode when a spawn protected human gets infected by a sub-plugin
* Fixed a typo in the Polish translation that caused a string formatting error
* Fixed non-custom nightvision being turned off by CS on some cases when spectating
* Fixed occasional nightvision issues when zp_nvg_give is set to 0 or 2
* Minor corrections

- Version: 4.1-beta2 (Jan 29, 2009)
* Added CVARs to change the amount of Survivors and Nemesis for Plague rounds (zp_plague_nem_number, zp_plague_surv_number)
* Added CVARs to modify the health of Survivors and Nemesis for Plague rounds (zp_plague_nem_hp_multi, zp_plague_surv_hp_multi)
* Added CVAR to change Zombie Madness duration (zp_extra_madness_duration)
* Added CVAR to change Survivor's default weapon (zp_surv_weapon)
* Updated ML with Dutch language
* Fixed zombie class menu showing up even after selecting a class manually sometimes
* Optimized delay code from the default model changing system (now it's flawless)

- Version: 4.1-beta1 (Jan 28, 2009)
* Дополнительный CVAR, чтобы установить предел закупки для бомб инфекции за раунд (zp_extra_infbomb_limit)
* Дополнительный CVARs, чтобы измениться основа здоровье множители для Немезиды и Уцелевшей (zp_nem_base_health, zp_surv_base_health)
* Звуки окружения сейчас только сыграны в течение игровых методов и остановлены вокруг конца (чтобы целиком избегать прошлых проблем с client избытками)
* Исправляют, разрешая/выведение из строя спецификатора выравнивания, заменяя его CVAR после карты началось (это не сможет должным образом включить/выключить)
* Исправлен баг, используя высокий zp_multi_ratio, заставляющий всех игроков превратить в зомби
* Исправленный код задержки от стандартной образцовой изменяющейся системы для того, чтобы сократить SVC_BAD, когда уйма людей заражена сразу (особенно с sub-plugins)

- Версия: 4.1 (Октябрь 25, 2008)
* Добавлены цветные сообщения 
* Добавлена настройка для Survivor's M249
* Добавлены настройки для установки доступа к админ модели (ACCESS_FLAG3)
* Добавлен квар zp_deathmatch 4: игроки респавнятся как зомби/люди в зависимости от того как сбалансированна игра
* Добавлен квар zp_lighting 0: отключает освещения карты
* Добавлен квар для предотвращения повторной игры в одном режиме: zp_prevent_consecutive_modes
* Добавлен квар для переключения админ модели для людей и зомби отдельно
* Добавлен квар, который изменяет скачок силы, высоту прыжка для зомби, Nemesis, и людей
* Квар zp_knockback_ducking can now be given a multiplier for crouching zombies (values of 1 and 0 still mantain the previous functionality)
* Buying additional ammo will no longer waste ammo packs if the player already has full ammo for every weapon
* Zombie Madness теперь могут быть приобретены в ходе специальных режимов игры
* Теперь зомби не могут купить антидот в deathmatch режиме, когда zp_respawn_after_last_human выключен
* Сделалы оптимизации кода, в основном функции
* Добавлена задержка до выхода в атмосферу звуков
* Исправлены .Mp3 файлов неправильных precached



Категория: Zombie Plague | Добавил: Nicker
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